Tokyo Revengers Last Mission is an action game for Android devices based on the Tokyo Revengers anime. The story revolves around Takemichi Hanagaki, a 26-year-old...
16 k downloads
Auroria: a playful journey is an action-adventure game in which we leave our planet behind to visit different galaxies with an astronaut. While online, we...
472.4 k downloads
Punishing: Gray Raven is an ARPG that puts you in control of an elite squadron in a battle against all different kinds of robots. It's...
126.8 k downloads
My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero is a fantastic role-playing and action game that fully immerses you in this popular Shōnen Jump manga created by...
135.8 k downloads
Girls Frontline 2: Exilium is an SRPG that takes you into the future to live out exciting adventures in a hitherto unknown universe. In 2064...
Bleach Brave Souls is a 3D action game where players control some of the most important characters from the well-known anime Bleach. Ichigo, Byakuya, Renji...
592.3 k downloads
Dragon Ball Legends is a video game based on the Dragon Ball manganime, in which you become some of the most iconic characters from Akira...
5 M downloads
Azur Lane is a horizontal scrolling shoot 'em up in which you wage naval battles with ships from the Second World War. The curious thing...
90 k downloads
Moe! Ninja Girls is a visual novel with an anime aesthetic where you take on the role of a new exchange student on the first...
39.4 k downloads
Versailles Ring is a third-person action and role-playing game that is openly inspired by the famous Elden Ring. From the game's name to your character's...
3.9 k downloads